Pharmacy Technician Programs in Brooklyn, NY

As an aspiring pharmacy technician in New York City or Brooklyn you’re probably interested in learning where you can attend an accredited school near you to become a certified pharmacy technician (CPhT).

Pharmacy technicians are a critical part of healthcare teams at retail and hospital pharmacies. It's relatively quick and easy to enter this field, with many completing a one-year diploma or certification program at a pharmacy technician school or a two-year associate degree program.

If you want to pursue such a rewarding health career we've put together a list of potential pharmacy technician schools and accredited programs in Brooklyn and NYC to help you find a program that’s the right fit for you on your educational and career path.

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New York pharmacy technician training requirements 

The State of New York does not require regulations for pharmacy technicians. However, there are certain requirements needed to work as a pharmacy technician.

Although there are no regulations set by the state, completing a pharmacy technician course or program accredited by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) is still a must to know the recommended requirements for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) and National Healthcareer Association (NHA) licensure exam. Other pharmacy chains and retail stores in Brooklyn, New York require a pharmacy technician license.

The state does not require national certification, so anyone can work as long as they have completed the pharmacy program. Also, license and registration are not required by the State Board of Pharmacy in New York.

On the other hand, the State Board of Pharmacy in New York requires training for pharmacy technicians under the supervision of the pharmacist-in-charge in the place of employment. 

Brooklyn vs NY Pharmacy Technician Salary and Employment Outlook 

The pharmacy technician job provides endless career opportunities. It is no secret that pharmacy technician services are needed now more than ever due to the pandemic.

The employment demand will continue to surge. The US Department of Labor reckons 450,100 pharmacy tech jobs will be available by 2026.

The average salary for pharmacy technicians across the state of New York is $16.13 per hour with an annual median of $33,550. On the lower end of the scale trainee pharmacy techs earn $11.95 an hour while others can reach up to $24.82 or more per hour.

In the New York-Newark-Jersey city metro area, pharmacy techs on average earn $33,860 or $16.28 per hour, slightly higher than the average wage across the state. 

Other sources also claim that there is a projected growth of 6% from 2018 to 2028 with 1750 job openings, however this could be much higher given the added pressure COVID-19 has placed on pharmacy technicians.

Pharmacy tech job is a promising career. It promises relatively high career growth along with great pay and benefits which attracts young people. Although, do expect to work longer hours to fulfill the pharmacy tech duties. 

Pharmacy Technician Schools in Brooklyn, NY

Finding the right pharmacy technician school is important to help you understand the roles and responsibilities of a pharmacy technician. In that way, you can perform pharmacy technician duties efficiently.

Here are lists of the best pharmacy technician schools in Brooklyn, New York:

Monroe College

? 2501 Jerome Ave, The Bronx, NY 10468 | ? (800) 556-6676

Monroe College is a career-focused institution that offers certificate and associate degrees in various specialties with campuses in Bronx and New Rochelle. 

The school itself is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

The school offers a PTCB recognized Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program at $1100 including books, lab supplies, and fees for the PTCE exam after graduation. Background and drug testing are excluded.

Student financial aid is unavailable but a payment plan with no interest can be arranged to help students pay for the course fee.

The prerequisites of the program include submission of a High School Diploma/GED, proof of identity and you must pass the criminal background check and drug test.

The course duration is 60 hours, including hands-on, lab classes, plus 75 hours out of the classroom externship.

Access Careers

? 474 Fulton Avenue, Suite 201 Hempstead, NY 11550 | ? 516-433-0034

The Pharmacy Technician Certification Program offered by Access Careers is approved and accredited by PTCB.

The school is located in Hempstead and it offers vocational training for adults of all ages. The school is also accredited by the New York State Education Department.

The program consists of 120 hours with 60 hours externship at a Walgreen pharmacy. Classes are offered on weekday evenings or weekends.

The cost of the program is $1300 excluding books, lab supplies, drug, and criminal background testing, and PTCE exam fee.

Financial aid is unavailable but students can opt for an interest-free payment plan.

To be admitted to the program, students should have a copy of their High School Diploma, proof of identity, and must pass the criminal background and drug testing.

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Manhattan Institute

? 45 West 34th St, New York, NY 10001 5th floor | ? 347-220-8181

Manhattan Institute is a career training school located in New York. It offers a Pharmacy Technician program that is recognized by PTCB.

The course consists of class instructions, lab works, and externship. Classes are held during weekends for six weeks.

The school is accredited by various institutions such as Medical Career Assessments, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, New York State Education Department, and more.

The prerequisites of the course include submitting a High School diploma/GED, college transcripts, government-issued IDs, and paying a small registration fee.

Students on the medical program are eligible for financial assistance which can be processed through the Financial Aid Office.

The average tuition costs $1500 and a payment plan is offered without interest.

After the training, students have sufficient knowledge to pass the PTCB exam.

ASA College

? 151 Lawrence Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 | ? (718) 522-9073

ASA College in Brooklyn, New York offers a Pharmacy Technology Associate of Occupational Studies Degree Program (AOS) for two years.

The program runs for eighteen months and is offered on a full-time basis. In addition, students need to complete 90 experiential hours in a hospital pharmacy and community retail setting - for a total of 180 hours.

The program is also recognized by PTCB and AHSP.

Students can also qualify for financial assistance as soon as they are admitted to the school.

Tuition cost depends on the students’ living situation and family income. Admission is also dependent on GPA and other academic factors.

Students can apply for the PTCE halfway through the course.

New York Center for Medical Assistant Training

? 153-27 Hillside Ave, Suite 2A, Jamaica, New York 11432 | ? (718) 658-0456

The Pharmacy Technician course at The New York Center for Medical Assistant Training (NYCMAT) can be completed in 250 hours.

The course consists of 130 class hours and 120 hours of externship which runs for five to six weeks. Day and night classes are available from Monday to Friday.

The total course cost is $1079 including books and registration fees.

Students are equipped to sit the PTCE exam upon completion and enter the pharmacy tech career. 

New York Medical Career Training Center

? 136-20 38th Avenue, Ste. 5F Flushing NY 11354 | ? 718-460-1717

NYMCTC offers a 250 hours Pharmacy Technician Program which can be completed in five to six weeks in either Queens, Manhattan or Long Island.

After completing 130 class hours, students are required to complete 120 hours externship in a pharmacy setting which can be in a hospital, independent drugstore, and retail outlets.

Anyone can be enrolled in the program as long as you can provide a copy of the High School Diploma or the equivalent.

Students are prepared to take the National Certification Exam after completing the program.

Classes are held in the morning, evening, and weekends. No mention if the school offers online classes.

The total cost of the program is $1159 which covers the course and registration fee and books. Students can also apply for financial aid through the financial aid office.

New York Institute of Career Development

? 192 Lexington, Suite 701 New York, New York 10016 | ? 1-800-239-9275

New York Institute of Career Development is a career development center accredited by American Health-System Pharmacists (AHSP).

The school offers a Pharmacy Technician Course which is administered online. The course also includes 160 hours of on-the-job training at one of their pharmacy partners to give real-life pharmacy experience.

The course prepares students to take two of the biggest national certification exams - Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE) and ExCPT offered by NHA.

The cost of the course is $999 if you pay the full cost upfront and $1199 if you choose the monthly bill plan.

Prerequisites, tuition assistance, class schedule, and credit hours are not mentioned on the website.

So, contact the admission department for further details.

Career School New York

? 350 St Marks Pl, Staten Island, NY 10301 | ? (718) 420-6440

Pharmacy Technician Certificate with internship program is one of the courses offered at Career School New York.

There is no mention if the school is accredited by PTCB or NHA. Also, if students are ready to take the national certification exams after finishing the course.

It is a 720-hour course that studies pharmacy-related subjects.

The school also offers tuition assistance through Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Financial aid is available to help the students finish their courses.

Prerequisites, credit hours, class schedule, and type of classes are not mentioned on the website.

It is recommended to reach out to the school’s admission-in-charge to learn more about their Pharmacy Technician Certificate program. 

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